Thursday, November 19, 2009

Haunted in My Dreams

Lately I have been haunted by dreams. Of him. So life-like, I wake up wondering, recalling what time and space I am in, and letting it all go once again. And I wonder why do I have these dreams, and is he in them in the dream dimension with me, do we somehow meet in my dreams, like dead people do when they come back to see the living in dreams. I suppose that could be true, we now exist in some other dimension. And one day I might not have the dreams anymore, and that is a sad thought, that it will all be gone. Or even more difficult is that I will keep having the dreams, and I will be forever in some other dimension, at least 8 hours a day. My doctor told me she still sometimes dreams of her ex, and she said it in a sad and forlorn way, with tears almost spilling over, and yet she is remarried. I remembered thinking that day, "I don't want to me in that space, one day, whenever that is, I don't want to be in that space," like between 2 dimensions, with legs stretched out between two.

It is most difficult to wake up and let the dream go--the dream I just had and the literal dream of it all as well, letting it go over and over. Then to pack it up into a small little box, and make my bed and stretch around on my pink yoga mat, and try to find some semblance of meaning again, like I keep doing Ground Hog day, over and over and over again.

I too have my legs stretched out between two dimensions--a past and an unknown future. Not secure in either. And my present, well it just is, there really is very little going on, perhaps there are more things going on than I even see, maybe life is rearranging itself right in front of my eyes, and one day, the drape will be removed from the artwork and I will say "wow."

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