Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Colleen Shipman...Victim

I think we all almost forgot about the bizarre love triangle in the astronaut world--Lisa Nowak, Colleen Shipman, Bill Oefelein. It was so bizarre when it first came out, d i a p e r s! I think was what everyone was most intrigued about..c'mon, it has to be one of the first things you think of!! Some crazy women scorned, decides to go "talk" to the other woman, by driving like a bat out of hell in diapers with a car stocked with stuff to kill her (they say) and confronts her at her car at the airport and blasts her with pepper spray. Like a really bad Lifetime movie, if you ask me.

Anyhow, I forgot about the story..I cannot believe it has taken this long for closure. But really this is about Colleen. I always thought Lisa was some kind of wacko, and I still do. I don't really think she is a murderder or a potential one though, just another woman wacked out by being rejected--but what do I know. She only got one year probation and a few other things--one thing to write a "real" letter of apology to Colleen--I am not sure who that benefits?? like Colleen really wants one!! I think she should have gotten way more probation and way more than 50 hours of community service--like 365 hours, and something dismal, like picking up shit. But whatever, again she is nutsy, and she
r u i n e d her life by her own actions. But this is really about Colleen.

Wow. I could barely watch her speak to the judge. Did she have any coaching at all?? Did anyone bother to tell her that it was a slam dunk that Lisa was not going away to prison? She looked like this wilted frail flower who at any minute was going to have a total breakdown. I think what happened to her was certainly bad, bizarre, and frightening at the time. But when she said things like ....

"Shortly after I turned 30 years old, Lisa Nowak hunted me down and attacked me in a dark parking lot," she said, adding that she is "still reeling from her vicious attack" and attempting to piece her life back together. "The world as I knew it before Lisa Nowak is gone," Shipman said. "Every stranger I see is a potential attacker. Going out in public is exhausting." She said she has undergone nearly three years of counseling, but suffers from nightmares, anxiety and health problems such as high blood pressure and chest pains because of the incident.

...she has not moved forward at all, not one inch. She IS now letting this bullshit totally change and take over her whole life. She lost her career over it because of health and other issues, crazy. I mean it is not like she was raped, or tortured, or living in a prison camp for 5 years, and she GOT the guy, they are together, which I find just unbelievable!! I wish she had some really powerful coaching, to get up there, incredibly strong and powerful and together, and bascially say "F **K Y O U "to Lisa and also to the media who I guess has caused her misery. Really. We at some point just have to take control. I find it hard to believe she was some go getter, powerful, vibrant, determined woman before..she just reeks weak. I am sorry to say. I don't want to bad mouth her, and that is not the point. The point is she let Lisa win, it was real clear in her letter, it was almost unbelievable to me, again who helped her with it..this was her chance to totally shine and she totally faltered, it was difficult watching her.

We all have these crappy things happen to us. Some F A R worse than others, to be sure. Overall my life has been a total cake walk. I should not complain or cry for one minute of one day considering the "gifts" I was born with, have been given and the beautiful life I have led. Really. And yet I have complained, I have cried myself to dark depths, like us all, I suppose. But I am not a victim, and I will go on and hold my head very high and say F**K YOU when needed.

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