Thursday, November 12, 2009

Carrie Prejean

I really have not followed this story much. She just seemed like some dumb, disgruntled, fallen beauty queen, yesterday's news, who cares. Even her name, I thought it was "pre jean (like jeans you wear) but no, it is "pra john" if I am saying it correctly, even that just bugs me..oh well.Again, there are so many important, hearbreaking stories out there, her story just seemed so dumb I did not know why it was getting any attention--something about same sex marriage question at the pageant, then problems with the officials with her role, she gets canned--I thought that was funny--I thought that was it..and then she wrote a book, what?..she has a personal sex tape she made when she was 17 that has surfaced..(rumor is she was older than 17..)

Last night when I sat down to eat my dinner by myself, I thought I would flip on Larry King, I always enjoy his interviews, and there sits little Miss Bitch herself, you just want to throw up when you see her. She is so PHONY. She just keeps turning questions into answers somehow to promote her book. I love it when she says she wants to be a voice for young women out there, to give them guidance, to let them know there is no privacy anymore. She is TWENTY TWO, how is she any expert, any role model, any a n y t h i n g?? She is a total nothing. When she said Sarah Palin (gag!) is her role model, that was beyond funny. I think she used words like "great mother, brilliant" and I cannot remember what else because I was gagging!! I almost fell off my chair laughing!! It was like watching something from Saturday Night Live!! And then, she has the audacity to say to Larry King, "Larry, you're being inappropriate. You really are." I mean he is one of the biggest interviewers ever, and here sits some dumb little POS beauty queen being rude to him, it was too much, like who the hell is she!!

Then I read this today..

Keith Lewis, the executive director of the Miss California pageant, is clearly pleased with the outcome of Prejean's recent interviews. "The public is finally getting a glimpse of the real Carrie Prejean who lives in her own delusional world," he said in a statement to E! News. "The childish behavior, her negative attitude, the sarcasm and condescending tone, the disrespect and continual lying she is demonstrating now is only a fraction of what we endured during her reign and after. Anyone who buys her book is supporting a woman who is actually the opposite of everything she claims to be. I sincerely hope she is able to get the psychological help I believe she has shown to clearly need."

Yeppers, that is what I thought, totally delusional, she is a total narcissist (and I am somewhat of an expert..) She did so much harm to herself last night by being such a total fool on his show.
Let's hope her 15 minutes are over, and not a soul buys her dumb book (unfortunately Sarah's book seems to have become a best seller--let's hope her 30 minutes are almost over--what another loser..)

Ugh. These dopey women just need to disappear. They have no sense of reality. Just watching her on Larry King, was like "who the hell does she think she is??" She said she wants to be just regular old Carrie and go back to college. Please do. Please do us all a favor and go enroll in some junior college somewhere and we can forget all about you, or become a porn star!

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