Monday, March 5, 2012

Worry Left The Building

I just need to catch up with myself.  The other day I thought, I should be writing 1x a week, like a catch up..maybe Monday would be fun to see how I go week to week.

Last week my f'ing car brought me to my knees, again...really how much can a used car cost in repairs when I don't even own it?  I could do a whole show on how to buy a car that will take a huge bite out of your finances, or I should say finances you do NOT have..And then that throws me into a downward sprial, as it is just a symptom of all my financial, poor plans, whatever words fits best at the time..and then I find myself in tears.  It is almost funny now..I feel bad for me.  I should video tape myself.  I am not sad is like this resolution that comes in every time after a financial takes a day or two, and then I am just totally resolved to more debt.  One day, it will all turn around, I know it will, as it has before..isn't it always darkest right before the dawn?

The idea of being rescued is quiet nice it would be full swoop, and no financial worries..but then I think, this is my challenge to figure out.  I was told 3 years ago by a psychic that I had earned my PhD in maybe my financial one is right around the corner.

I read something today about not worrying about things..and I agree..last week I went from worried to foreclosed on, in about 5 minutes!  There was a line in there about not worrying about the "account balance"  which I do all the time. I am doing myself NO favors by worrying.  I should use all my time for something that has some value, worrying is not building up an account balance..

Beyond the worry last week, I had a great weekend.  I felt really happy. I love that when happiness just
comes in and sits on my was like I could not worry if I tried..."worry" had left the building.  My mind is a mine field for sure..I need to steer clear of the "worry" section..