Friday, December 11, 2009

Tiger Woods Take 3

Okay can I just say "barf" when Tigey says he is going to take a break from pro golf and work on his relationship with his wife and kids. Yeah right. Like suddenly he is going to be making pancakes for breakfast and changing diapers. It does not work that way. One is not a total sleaze one minute and Mr Clean Cut Husband and Dad the next..well I guess it did work for him, for a
l o n g time!! But that is over now, gone, kaput. There is no going back. Whatever he does now can never change what he did.

Beyond unbelievable. I mean the number is like 13 now..? And porn stars and hookers (so they say..) it is so bizarre. A total sex addict, clearly. NO regard for his wife. Like he had a total secret life..I am amazed it stayed secret that long..there must have been a lot of enablers in the pot, I mean, no ho ever came out to the press, wow, this was so hidden.

And now it is not. I hope he loses all his endorsements and his family. No I am not a mean cold hearted bitch, quite the opposite. But he made his bed, ugh what a term, so now he can sleep in it (with them..)

Please. I hope Elin runs the other direction and fast, and never turns back to turn into a pillar of salt. He cannot change, this is not a mistake, this is who he is. He is only sorry he got CAUGHT.
He makes Clinton and Spitzer and all the rest look like choir boys in comparison. Elin is young and beautiful, with her whole life ahead of her, please don't throw it away on Mr. Trash.

I know. I have been here. Certainly not in the celebrity light, but I do know. I feel for her. Really, you don't know when you are in it. It is so well hidden, the person becomes so adept at the lying and deception that you really believe it, because you are a trusting person. go the other way, is to throw away the whole life you have just built with this person, and that is a daunting you just don't see it, even though there might be subtle clues. She has 100% NOTHING to do with his SEX ADDICTION..he is the problem. She was just an innocent bystander who got sucked in. But if she she becomes his enabler. I hope while he hides out she figures out she has to make her escape now. Run. Don't look back.

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