Monday, December 7, 2009

Tiger the Narcissist

Weird. I don't know why it took me so long when the s**t hit the fan with the Tiger firestorm to put 2 and 2 together.........he is a total, 100% narcissist. Maybe when I heard something about his mom, about her knowing what was going on..I started to process it differently in my mind and then like a bolt from the blue,
N A R C I S S I S T popped in. Clear as a bell.

He is "special" in his mind. Rules do NOT apply to him (boy do I have experience with that trait with someone I know all too well.) and the list ..

Glibness/superficial charm
Grandiose sense of self-worth
Pathological lying
Lack of remorse or guilt
Callous/lack of empathy
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions

AND incurably unfaithful--sex addiction and narcissism run hand in hand--they are connected!!

Yep these all now sum him up--don't know how I missed it, after all I have been through for 20 years in my own life, my radar should be sharper..

I think it was the sex part that finally got it for me--the "babes" just keep coming out of the woodwork--and unbelievably they all felt special to him. And his wife, I bet on some level, at least in the beginning she had no idea. Classic "look good/trophy wife" total narcissist trait. Looks like the clean cut family man, NOT.

This just reeks so much of narcissism that I can barely breathe. I am amazed he has gotten this far, I guess plenty of enabling going on. I love that he has so been caught. Yes maybe his career and endorsements might go on, maybe..but his wife, she should run in the other direction, FAST. She is way too young to throw her life away with him. He will NEVER change, it is who he is. The kids are young enough, leave now before they are used to the whole scene. He really only cares about himself, he is all that matters. Somewhere back in early childhood his parents created him like this, and there is no going back.

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