Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Nujood Ali

It amazes me every day when I look to for news, the never ending stories. I should not be amazed, we live in a world with billions of people, there are billions of stories out there. But I guess in my own little safe world, I just cannot ever get my hands around the tragic stories that happen to people out there.

So I hop on last night to see how the world is before I turn in for hopeful sweet dreams, and read the unbelievable story of Nujood Ali. An adorable little Yemen girl who just had fun in Paris--celebrating her divorce!!!

Story goes, her PARENTS one year ago married her off to a man THREE times her age. After enduring RAPE and BEATINGS for 2 months, even after she was finally allowed to visit her parents they still made her go BACK.

But ah, this child is a SURVIVOR. She was given PENNIES by her mother to go buy bread, instead she took a bus to the capital city of Sanaa--with 3 MILLION people, hailed a cab and asked to be taken to a courthouse. She arrived. She did not know what to do, so she sat and sat, until finally a judge asked why she was there and she said "I want a divorce." Horrified, he took her home to play with his 8 year old granddaughter and granted her a divorce 2 days later.

The story caught the attention of Sanaa newspapers and then international waves, and an autobiography has been ghost written.

Yemen has now raised the law from 15 to 18 when a girl can be married off. Apparently TRASH like her own parents did not give a rat's ass about her marrying her off at 9 years old.
I am so outraged by this story, it makes me nuts. WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE are these? I don't care if their life is a total mess, I don't care if they are starving, (if they are..)I have no idea, and the "husband" she was dumped with is a CHILD ABUSER and MOLESTER. It sickens me. Where is the common decency and respect for sweet little children. I guess I sit here in my simple little world and just don't get it.

These stories make me want to work for children's rights, especially girls and women in these countries that I won't name, but we know who they are. I am fuming over this.

The bright spot is this little girl is AMAZING. She is a huge survivor and has tremendous will and confidence (god knows how) in her own self. Something most of us would not be able to do as children, to even know WE CAN, let alone grown ups who live disastrous lives because they are afraid to leave. She has gone on to say she wants to be a lawyer when she grows up and "no longer thinks about marriage" when asked if she thinks she will meet her Prince Charming one day (did a reporter really say that??) This little girl is amazing. Her story is a testament to the human spirit that says NO MORE. We all need to be like this.

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