Friday, February 13, 2009

My Bucket

Last night I finally saw The Bucket List. It was good. I cannot say I loved it, but it was good. But it doesn't matter if I loved it or not, there was a great message there.

I sat there at the last bit, and thought, "what would be my list." That is a tough one. I suppose there are many places in the world I would really like to see. Places that come to mind, Ireland, Washington DC, England, Paris, Denmark, India, China, New Zealand, Fiji, Bermuda, The Keys, Yellowstone, The Grand Canyon, Alaska, Egypt, Jerusalem, wow this list is getting long! It would be incredibly complicated and expensive to go to most of these places! So how about something simpler, close to home. Well the US stuff would be pretty easy to do, and I could probably get away to one or two other destinations. So I will go with Ireland and instead of Fiji I am going to go back to Hawaii and go to all the islands (I wish I lived there anyhow!)

Things on a list that I don't need to leave my front door--finish my book, keep blogging until my last breath, spend tons of time with my two daughters, just even playing board games, watching movies, or reading aloud. Reconnect with my husband, I used to love it when we read poetry together, or would talk while having a glass of wine. See all my siblings and their spouses and their children and my parents, as much as possible. Laughter, that is what I always get with that big bunch. And a sense of who I am. Make sure all my affairs are in order, because I want to leave my life very neat :) I once said, along with my mother, that when we go, we want people to say "wow she was so organized." My little sister thought that was hysterical. So yes I would want my home and yard to look beautiful, call me silly, but that is how I want to leave.

But people are more important than cleaning, so I might not be able to vacuum on that last day :) And i want to make sure I am good with God/the universe. I would like to make plans on some kind of signs I can send my childeren when I am gone, even just finding me in the early morning light, remembering me every time they watch It is a Wonderful Life, keeping my picture on their dresser.

While traveling sounds amazing and would fill me with so much beauty, I suppose most of my list is right at home, people and thoughts, and what I can leave behind. It is a sobering thought to think, "I will be gone one day. I will be all over." As we all know, the best we can hope for is that someone remembers us well, maybe not always so well :), but they remember us and pass us on.And I look forward to seeing those who went before ,who I do believe are waiting for us, just one step away.

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