Thursday, March 25, 2010

Jesse James

Well Tiger Woods must be really happy. He could not have hoped for something so perfect to take the spotlight off him. At the moment Tiger seems the far worse case, but who knows..maybe Jesse will end up with quite a line up too!

So Jesse James. I must live in a box, because I really have NO idea who he is. Is his name even real? The first time I heard it I figured he must have changed his name to be likened to the famous bandit, but I have no idea. All I knew was Sandra was married to him. I had no idea of his bad boy image, and never heard of West Coast Choppers, is it? I would have no need or interest to know anything about it. Oh and I knew he was married before to a porn star, in a custody battle and now he had custody, and Sandra loved being the mom. I had no idea he had more kids until I read that this week.

Now in my consistent judgemental way, I did think he kind of seemed like a redneck, certainly no one I would put Sandra Bullock with. But in my head, I recall thinking what did I know..and maybe he was some great husband. HAH! So much for going with the benefit of the doubt. He is a total troll. Now a second ho has come out, are there more to follow? Did you read about the odd sexual harassment suit from a couple of years ago, where he settled for over $700k to a former employee? But apparently she has a souvenir shirt from him (aka Monica Lewinsky, so not sure how that is sexual harassment...) I cannot keep up with all of this.

He has made his bed, so now he can SO sleep in it! I feel so bad for Sandra, I have been there. People who live double lives are masters at deception..many people do see right through it, but perhaps like the famous line "love is blind" those in love with the person just don't see it. They want so much to believe, that there is no seeing anything else. I have lived it.

Bottom line, I don't care what UNMARRIED- over -18 -year- old- people do. I really don't. They can screw every two bit whore covered in tattoos that they want to. They can do all the drugs and lying they want to. I also have my own "rules" about who should be having kids and wish these people would not--what a crap life for the kids..I really don't care what people do, but please don't drag your kids through it.But why then be married? That is the million dollar question. Why have a double life? There must be research on what propels people to live the double life. Is it human nature to try so hard to conform to society's values, but at the same time live out the dark side because they just cannot let it go/it really is who they are. It is a lot of work to live ONE life, I cannot imagine having a whole other one to be part of.

So Jesse James is just another name in the never ending story of people trashing their wedding vows. Oh, I hate it when people say "there must be trouble in the marriage." Please. Because there is a double life being lived, the other person really has no idea. I don't recall vows that say "and feel free to cheat whenever you want.." I guess if the marriage has those type of vows, then one is in the clear, but I have not heard of that vow yet. Again, please don't get married, please don't commit to a relationship of fidelity that one has no intention of keeping.

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