Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Rielle Hunter

Gag. It is amazing that we don't even have to search for stories of horrible people. They are so prolific, we can just sit back, and BOOM, they appear like a ball being hit right to you in the stands at a baseball game.

Another story that swirled for so long, I kept kind of forgetting about it, not even caring. John Edwards lost my vote a long time ago. As soon as the stories appear these days, c'mon, they are real. Can we stop saying "The National Enquirer is all lies.."? It actually does break a lot of these stories, it is kind of funny.

Okay, so in her GQ interview, she says terrible things. She says " ..not a home wrecker, it was wrecked when I got there. " OMG, such a classic whore of a mistress. Missing the POINT, he was married!! He has kids. His wife is desperately ill. I think a normal, moral person, would see a big sign over his head, "not open for business."

"I'm not a predator, I'm not a gold digger, I'm not the stalker," she says – and that Edwards has actually redeemed his life, not ruined it, by leaving a marriage and a career for which he wasn't well suited. "Everyone talks about how Johnny has fallen from grace," Hunter says. "In reality, he's fallen to grace. He is integrated. He is living a life of truth. He has grown in awareness and humility. He had all these things within him, but they weren't the guiding, leading principles of his life. Now they are."

OMG again. Is this for real, RIELLE (what a dumb name!!!) What truth? He is all about lies, and so is she!! They are really perfect for each other. Each total NARCISSISTS. Their poor kids.
Humility!! What? And yes he ruined his life, thank god, he deserves it. He can live out his ruined life with this 2 bit dope.

A normal person would NEVER seek the spotlight for such disgrace!! It is so the state of so many these days. Why do "grown ups" act like spoiled, stupid, entitled teenagers!!

"Infidelity doesn't happen in healthy marriages." If I hear that one more time, I think I will scream. Infidelity happens because one or both partners have no moral compass, do NOT respect the vows they took, have no commitment to the marriage, don't mind lying over and over again.. Can we please stop blaming the spouse who was cheated on?? Who invented that anyhow!!! They are the victim, and then they get the door prize by somehow being blamed for it.

I so feel for Elizabeth. I wish like hell she would beat the cancer, kick "Johnny's" Ass, kick Rielle (stupid name) down to the ground, and then with her head held up high, move on with some great new terrific life, maybe a super new beau, and look back at all of this as one long bad nightmare. She so does not deserve what she got.

Rielle is the classic mistress. All about her. She did nothing wrong. She is so in love with him..And on and on. Yawn. I cannot believe this story has any legs left. I hope GQ is the end of her road. She needs to go away.

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