Thursday, March 11, 2010

How Danna Got Her Groove Back

Hopefully the above link works. You can see the trailer to How Stella Got Her Groove Back. I am not gorgeous Angela Bassett, and I am not sure if there is any Taye Diggs waiting for me! But this movie came to my mind yesterday, and I got depressed.

I don't want to get my groove back. Did I lose it, I don't even know. I know I did not want to lose it. I wanted to stay just as I was (well so I thought, really, lies and all..) Do we all need to get our groove back once we get into our 40s, whether we are married, in love, or alone..have we all lost our groove along the way?

There are comforts I am used to, like wearing my bathrobe over my clothes at night in the cold winter, while watching TV.. sounds really sexy doesn't it? And of course my hair up in a pony tail or bun, because it is so much more comfortable than hair in my face. Going to bed at 10:30, because I really like to, and getting full 8 hours sleep, which I do believe is beauty rest. Barely cooking, the microwave is my main station. I cringe when I write all this, as I don't think these attributes are going to get my groove back. And I don't really know if I have the energy to deal with a whole world I have not been part of for over 15 years...

I am not sure how women end up dating younger men. I don't think I could. I would feel the whole time that he was leaving any minute. That one day he would say,"holy crap you are old (er) than me.." and there I would be, trying to get my groove back again. And someone my age, good god are they going to be filled with problems, exes, kids, debt, whatever, I so don't want it. Older than me, old then. I am laughing writing this, this personal ad would get zero responses! I cannot believe I am in this space and cannot believe that my life ended up this way..oh yes, I do recall, all by choices, what the hell have I been choosing for 25+ years..

Get my groove back..I am not sure what that means or even where I would start.I am sure there are a lot of 40 somethings at a happy hour anywhere right now, trying desperately to get their groove back, and the vision is so sad really..I don't want that to be me.

Can I just hang out in my bathrobe over my clothes, and have a delicious green salad, and watch The New Adventures of the Old Christine and just keep my old groove, will it serve me anymore?

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