Saturday, August 29, 2009

End of Summer

I recall an ad in a magazine, many years ago...the headline, "Nothing cures my end of summer blues like real gold." It was a young woman, sitting on the beach, in some kind of floaty clothes, and she must have been wearing gold hoops or something..but I remember it so well because of the part about summer ending. I feel like this every year.

Summer is my favorite season. I LOVE being warm. I love the way the warmth engulfs me all through the day and while I sleep, I love waking up and being warm, able to walk around the house, take a shower, get dressed, all the while, while being warm! In the dead of winter here, I am so cold. I don't even want to change into pajamas at night, often I will just sleep in the sweats I was already wearing--even with the house 70 degrees, the idea of taking my clothes off to get into night clothes is sometimes too much. It is crazy, it is not like I live in Alaska! But Washington state, is plenty cold for me in the winter.

So back to summer..I love being warm. And with that goes clothes I love to wear, sandals, all the time, only short socks if I am going running or playing tennis, I never wear hose, or socks or enclosed toe shoes (well I did wear high black boots one night in Vegas, but they made the outfit..) So I love sandals. And sundresses, and tank tops, always, and bathing suits. Which brings me to my change this past summer. I have not for years actually sat too much in the sun. I know, I know, no sun tanning is the way to go, and I followed it for at least 10 years, fake tan and all. But I don't know...this summer, with my breakdown of my life before me, there was something very healing and welcoming about sitting in the sun. It was like my saving grace. I would lay on a lounge, on a nice sun soaked towel, and just be bathed in light and warmth, almost like a baptism I suppose. Every day if I could, and even just 30 minutes was fine, there were a few times there was much more. And I loved every minute of it, and wondered how I basically did without for 10 years. I guess for me it was like throwing myself to wild abandon, some people do really crazy things when their marriage breaks up, I pull out all the stops and sit in the sun!!
I figured, what the hell. Now I don't get the sunburns of my youth, and while I think I have a tan, most people would probably chuckle, and say "tan?" But for me it was enough.

And now, the sun is changing, every late day in August is ushering in the fall that is right around the corner. It is so easy to see and so easy to feel. Summer is leaving. I am so sad to see my little piece of quiet, my retreat in to warmth and comfort, disappearing before my eyes. This summer the sun held me like a life jacket. And so I think of the ad, about "my summer blues" I don't really want any gold, it would not matter, but it was a good ad, I remember it and I remember what they were selling as well as the ad itself, which is not an easy thing to do.
But the ad does not really matter.

Soon there will be rain, rain, rain, and I will once again be cold, and I will miss summer. Not that I don't find a certain beauty in fall and winter, as I surely do. Spring, well my least favorite, but I do love to see the days getting lighter and plants springing back to life. But summer, summer is my favorite.

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