Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tough Times Hit Barbie

It is tough not to be a bit stressed these days. I mean the bad news is all around. Under every rock. It is almost like, "what have we stepped into?" Remember the good days, they don't seem that far away, but they are all gone at the moment. Housing prices have slumped and gone down for the most part, more than 2 million people lost their jobs, banking scandals, and on and on, one would have to be a total hermit to not know the news. And below all these main headlines, there are people, and their stories are the ones that make it all come to life. I am thinking of the finance guy, Marcus Schrenker who faked his death in a small plane this week, then was discovered and on the run and then tried to kill himself and then was caught and arrested. All about scamming clients. I am sure there are tons of these. Don't let me forget about Bernie Madroff, the really big story. It just keeps amazing me, all these stories, like something you would see in a movie, but they are real life. All about money. How do we get off this crazy path, how do we create a new one that is about so much more, and money is only a tool, something in the back seat, but it is not steering and driving the course above all else?

As I put my little girl to bed last night, she gave me a tour of her new Barbie house from Santa. In it right now was just a mom and a daughter. They had gone "bankrupt for one month" she told me, so I tried to give her a very simple explanation of what bankrupt means. She had heard me on the phone to someone, discussing it as a possible course of action for someone else. I guess I was bummed that financial tough times hit Barbie world. (they still had a really nice two story.) Even so, there is a very lovely and safe and sweet energy in her room. Covered with dolls, and Barbies, and little momentos, and sweet girl things, this is a room to retreat to and recharge the batteries. There is no bad energy there. Well Barbie had some tough times, but we all know Barbie can handle anything.

Maybe that is my starting point for the day. We can all handle anything. Take it in small chunks, and even smaller if we have to, and just figure it out. It all works out, everything always does. It might not be what we were planning, maybe it will be something all that much better. Like the song says, "you might not get what you want, but you get what you need." I think we all need a whole lot less, and I hope this is a big wake up call.

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