Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barack Obama

I don't remember in my life being excited about my president. To me they were old men, out of touch, inaccesible, white guys. I had no connection. I really did not care. I guess I thought Reagan was a bit endearing, Carter seemed like a nice man, I liked Clinton more after he left office than when he was in it, but I never like his wandering eye side and all the gossip and real stories that followed him, it made it hard for me to totally like him. Bush 1 and 2, hmm..the first one smarter and a bit scary, the 2nd one not as smart, seemed nice enough, but so NOT a president. Ford, a total accident. There was also Nixon, but I was way too young. And I don't remember before that, but that gets me back MANY years.

And then today, a whole new day. I LOVE our new President. Smart. A gifted speaker. Inspirational. Good looking. Cool. Married. Faithful. Father. Humble. These are the immdiate words that come to mind. And then his beautiful and smart wife, and those adorable little girls. The story of his youth. It all works for me. He and his wife and children are so what I want to represent our country. Finally. It is like a whole new era has been ushered in.

The "other" presidents always seemed like they were out of touch to me. Some guys in the elite club that made it to president. Guys who wore suits and had meetings behind closed doors. My country seemed more like a place I lived, and a nice place at that, than someplace I had any stake in. That might be my own fault. Maybe it took me 25+ years of my adult life to wake up and be interested, and I cannot blame a president or anyone else for that matter. But iIdon't think I am alone.

But then there was this guy with "the funny name." I mean in the beginning I could not remember if his first name was Obama or Barack. I was for Hillary. But then he came on strong, and I started to listen. Wow. No contest with Hillary, I must say. As much as I really like her, she is WAY more suited for Secretary of State, and perfect for the job! And as the election neared and the energy built, I became totally sold, and at the same time pretrified that that really old out of touch guy, John McCain, and that wacky, phony VP of his, Sarah, were going to run/ruin our country. But that was not the case.

So I am good right now. I love having someone in the white house who looks Clint Eastwood cool in his sunglasses. Is so damn smart and wise and humble and ready to work. With a charming wife who often wears J.Crew. Hell, I am ready to wear a t shirt that says I Love My President, something I would never have considered in the past.

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