Friday, January 22, 2010

Conan O'Brien

I have never seen one of his shows. Not that I have seen many of David Letterman or Jay Leno either. Not really my thing, I don't even stay up that late for the most part, and if I am, I am almost never watching TV.

But I am astounded that he is getting $32.5 million to get fired (with $7.5 million addition going to his staff.) Can I PLEASE get fired for that kind of money!!! I just cannot get past that he is getting millions. Hell for most of us little people, if we get fired, we might get a few weeks pay, whatever we stored like a little squirrel in vacation pay, waiting for this day to arrive, and out we go. A lot of companies let you go at the end of the month so your insurance stops too. Grab your box of junk and your plant, and out the door you go--unless you work from home--send the laptop back to them. Yeah, now you have a few thousand bucks in your pocket, maybe, suddenly a lot of freetime, and a resume screaming "update me."

So while I don't totally get it--Jay did not want to go, but was kind of forced to some weird prime time show, Conan's show had awful ratings, they want Jay back, but Conan has a contract, he gets $32.5 million. Sounds like his lucky day to me. I never could get past his weird hair do.

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