Friday, October 23, 2009


Last night as I watched a news program with more details on Somer Thompson's murder, I was just totally overcome with tears, as if she was my own child. I honestly don' t know how a parent goes on after this. And her siblings, the guilt they will feel, as she was with them, and then they lost sight of her. This is just another a w f u l story, of a sweet child taken out by a sick and perverted and twisted individual, most likely a man, and I understand they may even have a suspect, a registered sex offender. As I always wish, first choice, he is murdered by other inmates in prison, something brutal and awful, and even then there will be no justice. Or he kills himself, or certainly the death penalty, which will take years to wait for, and is just a ridiculous part of our system. I am sure there are 100s of people in our country, probably 1000s who would gladly be the executioner for these pieces of trash we have living amongst us.

Like the rest of us, we are now haunted by shiny brown eyes and a pixie little face, who unbelievably was thrown in the trash after I am sure being brutalized, I cannot even imagine her last moments of hell on this earth. These stories just keep coming, and we can certainly thank the unbelievable amount of sex and porn and child porn and S and M and all the other deviant behavior, so now totally available and devoured on the web by millions of disgusting people, as a main road to how we have gotten here. Oh yeah, we keep hearing it, "these things happened years ago too.." okay, sure, whatever! NO, it was not like this when I grew up, or my parents or their parents. Sure bad things happened, but it is different now. We have so many deranged people running around, it blows my mind.

I picked my daughter up at the bus stop the other day, and one sweet little girl was still waiting for her mom, I was so glad I noticed her. I did not want to alarm her, because she did not know me, and probably was afraid that I spoke to her out the car window. I just let her know that I would wait right there until her mom pulled up, and it was about 5 minutes. There was NO way I would have driven away, and left a little girl out front of our gated community on a busy road waiting for her mom. She could have been gone in about 30 seconds. I was so surprised that her mom was those few minutes late--I would have been crazed, but then I don't ever plan to be late without a back up plan, meaning another parent or friend. We have to be vigilant. No child should EVER walk home alone, I don't care if it is the safest neighborhood in the world, I don't care if it is broad daylight..why risk it? These parents never thought they would end up in these heartbreaking situations. It is not their fault, but unfortunately they now have the amazing pain to carry forever. Just the other day a little girl disappeared in Missouri walking 4 houses down from her friend's home to her home. So I would never allow my child to walk or ride their bike anywhere alone, or wait for me to pick them up somewhere, etc..Do not risk it. And tell your children you give them total permission to yell, scream, kick, whatever they need to do if someone approaches them, scares them, etc..if it is nothing, oh well, no harm done.

So much has been done to try to stop this, but I almost feel like it is getting worse. It is like the internet is just growing this faster than work can be done to stop it. It is frightening that our children are watched, like prey. We must be hyper vigilant and never let the guard down. My mom was a total worrier, but I grew up in the era that you could walk home from school, you could ride a bike to a friend's home, so my childhood seems so lax as compared to today. Those days are gone, and we have to really remember that.

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