Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett

Well I guess there is nothing like BIG news to take one out of one's own life for awhile. Between the divorce of Jon and Kate, and then the expected death of Farrah and the totally out of the blue death of Michael, wow, I have found some distraction this week for me.

I have never been a huge fan of Michael Jackson. Even though he is truly my peer, I remember liking his music as a kid but that was about it. It is almost now, that I see and read so much about his career, that I now get it. Far from his huge career, for me, he is overshadowed by his total weirdness for the last 15 years or so. I have to think that for the average person out there, we all think this. The plastic surgeries, his "children" the molestation accusations and the trial, the leaving the country to Bahrain (I did NOT even know he was back in the US) these are all the things I thought when I thought Michael Jackson. But the education I am getting in the news the last couple of days surely shows he was a muscial genius and a huge part of pop music and culture. Maybe I just don't get that into being a fan of anyone.

But I find myself most bothered that he was addicted to prescription drugs and had so many people enabling him and his problem. It always rears its ugly head "enable" here it is again.
And another person totally NOT in reality and dillusional and so many people just looking the other way. I hate how we do this with the average every day person, but clearly this is all over the place with celebrities. And it is all so stupid-all a celebrity is is someone we have seen so many times that they are now part of our mind--advertising at its finest.

Then you have Farrah. Now I can go as far to say I was a fan. Not knock em down drag em out fan, but I did think she was pretty great when I was growing up. I loved her look far more than the Marilyn Monroe kind of look, or the later day Pam Anderson or Anna Nicole Smith look.Farrah was like a real beauty and she was sweet and and sincere. She is a total icon.

But she hooked her wagon to men who were bad choices. Certainly Ryan Oneal. What a piece of work--I have read so much about him. He clearly is a narcissist and sounds like a sex addict and just drew her in and kept her in his crappy world. I hate the way he said when she was so sick
"I fell in love with her all over again." Why does it have to be one bit about him? And wanting to marry her before she died--just bizarre! Some sick twisted "romantic" notion of a total narcissist--again about him. Thank god it did not come to pass and she left this world single. I wish she had kept him dumped and out of her life. And I hope her son pulls himself together, that is a real tragedy.

So I am just blown away by all that we see about these people, the way they left the world, both with lives shattered --either by a terrible death of cancer or by years of speculation and questions and the changing into rather a macabe figure who no one knew anymore. And enablement, seems to always be front and center, and narcissim. It just sits there on the fence, part of all of these stories and making its way into our lives more and more. What is fame anyhow? Just people knowing your face. In the end we all end up with a white sheet over our face. I think we all hope that first paragraph of our obituary will not be filled with facts we would not have wanted to become our defining moments, but rather, good things.

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