Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tattoos and Wedding Rings

I realized the other day that I don't hate tattoos. I have said for a long time that I hate tattoos. Almost with a venom in my voice. Well, I guess I still do on some level--it depends what they are, and who they are on. Recently I saw a large flower artisitic swirl on the beautiful lithe side of my niece, and it was so striking that I could not see it as anything but not really pretty. It suited her, and I loved it. I have seen some men lately at my "country club" (I do like to say those words!) and I realized then as well that I don't hate tattoos at all, in fact depending on what it is, and again, who it is on, they can look really good. So I have had to let that go and be open to tattoos. Funny how that happens.

Wedding rings. Well I have always loved wedding rings, loved them. Women often have these gorgeous sets--huge diamonds have been the rage for so long. But it is men I am talking about. There is something so endearing about a wedding ring on a man, and I felt sad and lonely and envious the other day when I saw wedding rings (again at the club, sounds like I don't have anything else going on, truthfully, I don't!) But there they were, almost glittering all over the place, like flashbulbs going off, but I realize I am at a very family oriented club--it is not like there are a bunch of single men sitting around, and honestly, I am probably better off and happy about that...and yet the gold bands catch my eye, and I am painfully aware that I miss being a wife.

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