Friday, October 22, 2010

Bad Dreams

I had totally bizarre dreams last about my new boyfriend and one about my ex husband. I cannot believe I dreamt about them both on the same night. Both dreams were disconcerting and I wonder why I had them. Well, the heat was on too that contributed to the weird dreams--sleeping in a house that is too hot can do that! But beyond that, I wonder where my head is or was, to conjur these up. I may be on some sort of bridge, without even knowing it. Like every day I get further and further and further over the bridge of "divorce and being over" and further and further over the bridge of "new beginnings and love." It is like I am split and walking both bridges at the same time. It is weird, how long and full of turns the journeys of the heart are. At this moment I feel good about both bridges. The walk across them gets easier and easier. I think of romantic love, like music, or art, or the great unknown..things that just cannot be touched or seen or expressed, but they are there. It is like this great mystery to me and at times I can cross into an another reality with it all. I don't see love in black and white. It is a very complicated dance, and at the same time so easy.

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